Sunday, 8 January 2017

...And This Is What I Think!

In my humble opinion, I think the African has always been afraid of change; any form of change. I think we would rather let the status quo thrive just because it has always been the norm so we can be entitled to the crumbs that fall onto our tables as a result instead of working to get things right. We are even satisfied with the crumbs and I think that is a big problem when we can be entitled to so much more. Sometimes I am forced to believe that, there is this form of notion that some of us believe that the only way to amass personal wealth is to encourage the continuity of the status quo (no matter how wrong it is) so that whatever little it brings our way, we are shamelessly content.

The word "change" scares us. To some of us, it is synonymous to "poverty" and the rolling of heads. I think we have a petty attitude of harshly criticising the ideals of change, integrity, justice and development that would make the masses better. We would rather prefer to be lied to than to be told the truth. We are afraid to say, "I am ready to change for the better" just because changing the status quo would bring about sanity and bring to an end the special benefits that trickle into our pockets. We are afraid of the unknown even before we try to venture into it. We are afraid to make a difference; more so, we are very afraid to be the difference. We have made our communal instincts turn us into stooges of mediocrity and inferiority. We worry too much about what the community would say if we resolve to do something different; something better; something for the greater good. We allow these thoughts to belittle our bright aspirations and gradually turns us into cowards and bathes us with inferiority complex save the very few who dare to be different.

Everything comes at a price, even change. We can attest to the fact that change is one of the hardest things to embrace but it is also true that some beautiful outcomes have manifested as a result of our resolution to change. I dare say change is painful sometimes. We are afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty in order to work against the forces that constantly leave us in the shadows; all for what? To remain the same?  We are afraid to speak out; we are afraid to look different. The systems we so much protect have made us slaves to it. We are afraid to lose our jobs, loved ones, properties and what have you so we keep quiet even when we are being treated unfairly. We have to move from this way of thinking and demand to be treated fairly and respectfully! Why do we have the notion that all difficult jobs pay less and easy ones pay more? Is it not possible to come together to change this way of thinking? Should we allow ourselves to be cheated and treated unfairly just in name of some fear of losing someone or something?

Nothing good has been achieved by constantly doing the same thing that gives you the same result. Change has the chance to teach you one of two things; it would either be worth it or it would teach you a lesson that would make you better regardless of its outcome. Not everyone would agree to this but that is fine!

My name is Edwin Oko Lamptey and this is a Random African Thought.
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  1. Yes, this is made me sit down and think. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. You are warmly welcome terilove!
